- Ensure that you have sufficient airtime on your account.
- Check your internet connection by visiting from your browser. If there is internet, then get the IP address of your device and type it into your browser to access the phone's web interface.
- Check firewall blockage - Turn off your internet firewall and try registering. If it works, turn on your firewall and open ports 5060 to 5070 TCP and UDP, ports 5000 to 50000 UDP and ports 4000-4100 UDP for T.38 Fax on your firewall.
- Check router security settings that Sip ALG is disabled.
- In your phone setting set your network DNS Servers to and
- Register a phone using another internet connection to identify if an internet service provider block.
- Set up port forwarding for the ports 5060 to 5070 TCP and UDP, ports 5000 to 50000 UDP and ports 4000-4100 to your VoIP switch.
- Check that your username, password and server details are set correctly in your phone's sip account.
- Your IP could be blocked by our servers due to a wrong password on a phone on your network. Reboot your internet connection. If it works temporarily, then check all passwords on all phones.
- Your registration could have expired. Try rebooting your phone and in-house PBX.
- Request us to try connecting from a sip account on another network using a different internet connection.
- Check your upload speed using to ensure that it is sufficient for the number of concurrent calls being made.
- Check that your codecs are exactly in this order G.729A, G.711A (ALAW), G711U (ULAW).
- Only if the call cuts off after a certain number of seconds, use the stun server on your VoIP device.